Action Alert: VA Menhaden Fishery Gear Restrictions

Photo Credit: David Shupp

ACTION ALERT: VA Menhaden Fishery Gear Restrictions

Taylor Vavra | Vice President


Menhaden need your help! Menhaden are an important food source, not only for striped bass, also; whales, dolphins, red drum (redfish), weakfish, fluke, osprey, crab, the list goes on. Nearly all marine life benefits in some way from a healthy and abundant menhaden population. Omega Protein Corporation, owned by the Canadian multinational Cooke Inc., removes hundreds of millions of pounds of menhaden from the Atlantic ocean every year. In Virginia, they are allowed to remove 112 million pounds from the Virginia side of the Chesapeake Bay each year. Now it has been discovered that their methods and locations of fishing are doing even more damage to the bay and its marine life. Using purse seine nets in waters with a depth that is less than the length of the net is catastrophic in a variety of ways. But first, a little understanding of what a purse seine net is and how it operates is important.

A purse seine is a large wall of netting deployed around an entire area or school of fish. The seine has floats along the top line with a lead line threaded through rings along the bottom. Once a school of fish is located, skiffs encircles the school with the net. At that point the bottom of the net is left open for a period of time to allow bycatch (non-targeted species) to escape. The lead line is then pulled in, “pursing” the net closed on the bottom, preventing fish from escaping by swimming downward.

Illustration: NOAA

The issue being addressed by this petition revolves around the use of this type of net in water depths in which the bottom of the net sits directly on the seabed. In doing so, it not only prevents bycatch from escaping through the bottom of the net, but is also greatly disturbs the seabed. Sea grass and marine life who make the seabed their home are directly and gravely impacted. Omega Protein operates under the Marine Stewardship Council Sustainability Certification which requires that the net “has no contact with the seabed” in order to have low levels of bycatch. Supporting this petition is a no brainer, Omega Protein is using fishing gear improperly and violating the terms of their sustainability certification.

So how can you help? It’s really quite easy, an online petition has been established in Virginia, you can view it clicking here. You can quickly and easily submit your comments by clicking here. Below are a few important points to mention in your comments.

  • Omega Protein is using purse seine nets improperly and in violation of the Marine Stewardship Council Sustainability Certification under which they operate.
  • Use of these nets in shallow water, less than 60 feet, does not allow bycatch (non-targeted species) to escape.
  • Use of these nets in shallow water, less than 60 feet, causes catastrophic damage to the seabed, seagrass and marine life.
  • Restricting the depth in which these nets can be used will also help to avoid unnecessary net spills, tears and in turn a waste of the resource.

Please take a few minutes of your time to submit your comments and be part of the process. Accountability is an extremely important part of fisheries management and we all must do what we can to ensure that Omega Protein operates in a way which minimizes damage to the ecosystems in which they operate. Thank you for your continued support!


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ASMFC 2023 Summer Meeting | Tuesday 8/1/23 1:45 – 5:45 PM EST

ASMFC 2023 Summer Meeting

Taylor Vavra | Vice President

Tomorrow August 1, 2023 from 1:45 – 5:45 PM EST the Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board will meet as part of the ASMFC 2023 summer meeting (webinar live streaming link and meeting document links are below). At the May 2023 meeting, it became clear that the 2029 rebuilding timeline was in serious jeopardy when 2022 recreational landing data was released, effort was up in 2022 and in turn harvest (landings) had doubled. The board reacted by taking emergency action, narrowing the slot to 28-31″. They also unanimously voted to adopt the following motion.

Move to initiate an Addendum to implement commercial and recreational measures for the ocean and Chesapeake Bay fisheries in 2024 that in aggregate are projected to achieve F-target from the 2022 stock assessment update (F=0.17). Potential measures for the ocean recreational fishery should include modifications to the Addendum VI standard slot limit of 28-35″ with harvest season closures as a secondary non-preferred option. Potential measures for Chesapeake Bay recreational fisheries, as well as ocean and bay commercial fisheries should include maximum size limits. The addendum will include an option for a provision enabling the Board to respond via Board action to the results of the upcoming stock assessment updates (e.g. currently scheduled for 2024 and 2026) if the stock is not projected to rebuild by 2029 with a probability greater than or equal to 50%.

There is a lot on the table for tomorrows’ meeting, as you see in the draft agenda below. There is also a lot of speculation swirling in regards to what will happen with Addendum II. Today we will keep this short and simple as this upcoming meeting will hopefully finalize the language of draft Addendum II. The next step would be to release Addendum II for public comment and again we will have a series of public hearings and another opportunity for written comments. After that takes place in August and September the board will meet sometime in October to review said public comment and then take final action on Addendum II.

The for hire sector and others remain opposed to the emergency action and likely will also oppose Addendum II. As always, we will be here to summarize tomorrow’s meeting and when the time comes, work towards a call to action in response to any public comment period. It may seem like this is a never ending process, we sometimes feel the same way. We can’t take our foot off the gas, because if we do, an abundant and healthy striped bass stock may become a distant memory.

For live updates during the meeting please follow us on Instagram and look for our stories as the meeting progresses.

Thank you for your continued support!


Tuesday August 1, 2023 (1:45AM – 5:45 PM EST) | Summer Meeting Live Streaming


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Emergency Action Virtual Hearings – NJ Non-Compliance – Cheeky Schoolie Raffle

Virtual Public Hearings Scheduled on 2023 Atlantic Striped Bass Emergency Action

Taylor Vavra | Vice President


From the ASMFC:

Arlington, VA – The Commission has scheduled four public hearings on the emergency action approved on May 2, 2023 by the Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board for 2023 recreational management measures. The Board implemented a 31-inch maximum size limit for striped bass recreational fisheries, effective immediately for 180 days (through October 28, 2023). This action responds to the unprecedented magnitude of 2022 recreational harvest, which is nearly double that of 2021, and new stock rebuilding projections, which estimate the probability of the spawning stock rebuilding to its biomass target by 2029 drops from 97% under the lower 2021 fishing mortality rate to less than 15% if the higher 2022 fishing mortality rate continues each year.

The Commission will conduct four virtual public hearings via webinar to inform the public about this action and identify next steps for management. A summary of these hearings will be provided to the Board at its next meeting. Additional details on participating in the webinars can be found later in this release. All hearings are open to anyone from any state. If you are planning to attend multiple hearings, staff requests that you provide comments at only one hearing to allow time for all hearing participants to provide comments.

The public hearing schedule is as follows:

As outlined in the Commission’s Interstate Fisheries Management Program Charter, a management board can take emergency action to address circumstances under which public health or the conservation of coastal fishery resources or attainment of fishery management objectives has been placed substantially at risk by unanticipated changes in the ecosystem, the stock, or the fishery. The Board implemented the emergency 31-inch maximum size limit for 2023 to reduce harvest of the strong 2015-year class. The 31-inch maximum size limit applies to all existing recreational fishery regulations where a higher (or no) maximum size applies, excluding the May Chesapeake Bay trophy fisheries which already prohibit harvest of fish less than 35 inches. All bag limits, seasons, and gear restrictions will remain the same. Jurisdictions are required to implement the required measure as soon as possible but no later than July 2, 2023. If it deems necessary, the Board may extend the emergency action for two additional periods of up to one year each at a future Board meeting.

For 2024 management, the Board initiated Addendum II to Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan to consider measures designed to reduce fishing mortality to the target. The Draft Addendum II process will include a public comment period and public hearings, likely later this year, regarding options for 2024 management measures.

Webinar Instructions:

For all virtual hearings, please note that in order to comment during virtual webinar hearings you will need to use your computer or download the GoToWebinar app for your phone. Those joining by phone only will be limited to listening to the presentation and will not be able to provide input. To attend the webinar in listen only mode, dial 914.614.3221 and enter access code 424-938-669.

For all virtual hearings, please click HERE and use the dropdown menu to select the hearing date you plan to attend to register for a public hearing webinar. Hearings will be held via GoToWebinar, and you can join the webinar from your computer, tablet or smartphone. If you are new to GoToWebinar, you can download the software by (clicking here) or via the App store under GoToWebinar. We recommend you register for the hearing well in advance of the hearing since GoToWebinar will provide you with a link to test your device’s compatibility with the webinar. If you find your device is not compatible in advance of the hearing, please contact the Commission at (subject line: GoToWebinar help) and we will try to get you connected. We also strongly encourage participants to use the computer voice over internet protocol (VoIP) so you can ask questions and provide input at the hearing.

For more information, please contact Emilie Franke, Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, at or 703.842.0740.

The press release can also be found HERE.

NJ Emergency Action Non-Compliance

It was no surprise to us when we learned that the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council met on May 11th and delayed taking action on complying with the ASMFC emergency action to tighten the slot limit. The council passed a motion to request that the Striped Bass advisory group review the data and get back to them with recommendations.

That could take several weeks to complete and the deadline to comply with the emergency action is July 2, 2023. So what does all this mean? There is a good chance that NJ does not put the mandated narrower slot limit in place. Many of the other state along the coast have already taken steps to do so. If you listened in on the ASMFC spring meeting it was abundantly clear that NJ was not happy about the emergency action.

So what can you do? Attend the virtual hearings (as outlined above) and be part of the process. Give comments when possible in support of the emergency action and make it clear to the ASMFC that you believe every state should comply.

We were very happy with the results of the ASMFC spring meeting and there is no doubt that this move by NJ is disappointing. We will continue to keep you up to date and when the NJ Fisheries Council meets again, if there is an opportunity for public input and involvement you will be the first to know.

Cheeky Schoolie Tournament Raffle to Benefit Striped Bass Conservation

Win Big While Supporting Stripers!

Anyone can support striped bass conservation just by buying a raffle ticket.  This year’s Schoolie Tournament Sponsors have provided some KILLER raffle prizes with all the proceeds going to our conservation beneficiaries, Stripers Forever, Keep Fish Wet and the American Saltwater Guide Association.  Head over to the Schoolie Site to grab your tickets now!

Raffle winners will be drawn Saturday, May 20th – and you don’t have to be present to win! So whether or not you’re coming to this years tournament, you can still support the causes that matter.

Tickets are 1 for $10, or 3 for $20 and bought for that individual prize.

Link to raffle page (individual pages linked below):

Thank you for your continued support!

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ASMFC 2023 Spring Meeting Summary – An Enormous Win for Striped Bass Conservation

ASMFC 2023 Spring Meeting Summary – Addendum II & Emergency Action


An Enormous Win for Striped Bass Conservation

Taylor Vavra | Vice President


May 2, 2023 | During the commission’s spring meeting, the Striped Bass Management Board took historical and unprecedented action to protect the 2015 year class and ensure that the stock has a greater than 50% chance of rebuilding by 2029. The board initiated Addendum II and enacted emergency action which is effective immediately and will implement a coast-wide slot limit of 28-31” for the harvest of striped bass. Under the 2021 fishing mortality rate the stock had a 97% chance of recovery, which dropped to less than 15% given the higher 2022 fishing mortality rate that more than doubled based on new MRIP (Marine Recreational Information Program) data.

Things were not looking good as the meeting kicked off with John Clark (DE) and Tom Fote (NJ) both questioning the new MRIP data. Their arguments were largely unfounded and it did not take long for the board to move past them on onto the more important business at hand. Dr. Davis (CT) immediately proposed a motion for Addendum II, it was seconded by Emerson Hasbrouck (NY). There seemed to be overwhelming board support for the motion as the discussion went on. Dr. Armstrong (MA) proposed a motion, seconded by Mr. Borden (RI), to amend by adding a provision that would allow the board to respond to the upcoming 2024 stock assessment. This is more of a precautionary move as the results of that stock assessment could overlap or occur after the finalization of Addendum II. The motion to Amend was unanimously approved and it was added to the language of the original motion. Meeting staff also stated that the 2024 Stock Assessment could in fact include projected impacts of Addendum II.

With the final language for the motion now it place the board would vote and it passed unanimously. The board initiated draft Addendum II to Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan. It will address 2024 management measures to reduce fishing mortality. Included will be the ocean recreational, Chesapeake Bay, and commercial fisheries. Modifications to the slot limit, possible seasonal harvest closures, and maximum size limits will all be considered to reduce fishing mortality back to the target for 2024. The board also plans to review the upcoming 2024 stock assessment and there is a provision in the approved motion that would allow for action to be taken if needed. The board will revisit draft Addendum II at the summer meeting, at which time the document could be approved for public comment or sent back to the technical committee for further development.

After a quick break the meeting resumed with a bang! Dr. Armstrong (MA), seconded by Mr. Borden (RI), proposed the board take emergency action that would shrink the slot limit to 28-31″. This was a very welcome but unexpected surprise to many. At first it seemed to be a long shot for the board to approve. Dr. Davis (CT) almost immediately made a motion to amend and proposed that the for-hire sector regulations remain status quo for the initial 180 day period that the emergency action is in place. His reasoning being that they have already booked trips based on existing regulations and it would unfair to force regulation changes mid season. This motion quickly saw a good amount of opposition, Mr. Luisi (MD) made the clearest statement saying that this should apply equitably to all recreational anglers. The motion failed in a 4-10-0-2 vote, this was great news.

The emergency action would face one more hurdle in a motion from Mr. Nowalsky (NJ) to postpone until the August meeting. His reasoning was that the emergency action was not on the agenda, he had been given no prior notice and there would be no public comment on it. This motion found no support from the rest of the board. In fact, Sarah Peake (MA) replied by saying “They call it ‘emergency for a reason…Let’s not kick the can down the road.” She also noted that the board had received many comments from the public asking that action be taken ASAP to protect the stock. Her prediction was the angling public would applaud the boards approval of such measures. She was certainly correct in that prediction. In what seems to be a reoccurring theme in this meeting, the motion to postpone failed in a vote where only NJ and DE voted in favor.

Ultimately, the board would vote 15-1-0-0 to pass the emergency action. Can you guess who voted against? You got it, good old NJ, showing us all just how committed they are to rebuilding the stock, the only state to vote against. The emergency action will be in place for an initial 180-day term, ending October 28, 2023, but can be renewed by the board twice for a maximum length of 2 ½ years. This emergency action will likely remain in effect until Addendum II is finalized and new regulations are put in place for 2024. This 31-inch maximum size for harvest applies to all recreational fisheries where a higher (or no) maximum size applies. All bag limits, seasons, and gear restrictions will remain the same. States are now required to implement this required measure and change regulations as soon as possible but no later than July 2, 2023. The commission will hold at least four hearings beginning in mid to late May to inform the public about the emergency action.

Lastly, the board took final action on Addendum I to Amendment 7 and approved Option E. This would allow the board to approve voluntary transfers of ocean commercial quotas between states. Importantly, this would not be allowed when the stock is deemed overfished. The board can also set certain criteria for these allowable transfers, including limits on how much, when the transfers occur, and the eligibility of a state to make the request based on total landings to date.

While we believe that there were many instances where board action could have been taken to avoid the need for such strong measures, we do commend the steps that were taken to get the stock back on track to recover by 2029. There was enormous outreach by anglers, guides, captains, companies, and conservation organizations to take immediate action. The board heard that call and acted upon it, we thank them for that. Numerous board members openly stated that they had received comments from the public and in turn felt that they needed to act on them. A HUGE THANK YOU to the anglers, captains, guides, businesses and other conservation organizations who continue to support us and fight for the cause. You were part of the process, your voice was heard, you made this happen.

As Addendum II develops throughout the summer, we will keep tabs on its progress and provide updates at every turn. This action was certainly a step in the right direction, but this battle is far from over. The stock is a long way from being the healthy and abundant fishery we know it can be. Founded in 2004, Stripers Forever has been at the forefront of striped bass conservation for close to twenty years, and we don’t plan on giving up anytime soon. A big thank you to all who continue to support us and who have stepped up to fight for the cause.

Thank you for your continued support!


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Newbury, MA 01951

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