Signed 1st Edition of Striper by John Cole (2019)

Winning Bid: $65.00

Item condition: Used



Donated by former publisher of Saltwater Sportsman Rip Cunningham, this is a hard cover, first edition copy of John Cole’s important book Striper.  This book, combined with Cole’s friendship with Rhode Island senator John Chafee, created some special legislation that may well have saved striped bass from being fished into oblivion during the late 1970s.  On top of its importance to striped bass conservation it is one of the greatest books about fish and fishing written in the 20th century.  Striper tells the story of John Cole’s difficulties in choosing between his family’s upscale life in NYC, and his love for fishing and living along the open beaches of outer NY Long Island.   John worked with the striped bass haul seine crews and tried to save enough money to put himself into the charter business.  Later John moved to Maine only to find his favorite fish was there waiting for him, but that it was in serious trouble.  Striper is a great read, and if you miss this copy and love striped bass as we do, you should go to Amazon and find a used copy to read.

Auction History

Auction has finished

Date Bid Auto
02-10-2019$60.00 Auto
02-10-2019$55.00 Auto
02-09-2019$50.00 Auto
01-27-2019Auction started


Stripers Forever
57 Boston Rd
Newbury, MA 01951

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