Stripers Forever, a non-profit conservation organization, advocates for the conservation and responsible stewardship of wild striped bass along the Atlantic Coast. We seek game fish status for wild striped bass in order to significantly reduce striper mortality, to provide optimum and sustainable public fishing opportunities for anglers from Maine to North Carolina, and to secure the greatest socio-economic value possible from the fishery.

© 2013 Jim Levinson Photo.

© 2013 Jim Levinson Photo.


Under this conservative management approach, the commercial harvest and sale of wild striped bass would be strictly prohibited everywhere on the Atlantic coast. To further reduce striper mortality, the coastal recreational harvest would be carefully regulated to protect the population of large breeder fish and to promote and enforce the use of angling gear and techniques that do not unnecessarily damage stripers that are caught and then released.

The allowable catch of wild striped bass should always be subordinated to conservation measures necessary to maintain a healthy population. To achieve these conservation and policy goals, Stripers Forever will pursue the following specific management goals:

  • The adoption of statutes or regulations that will end the commercial taking of striped bass everywhere on the Eastern Seaboard.
  • Improve natural age and size distribution to reflect an un-fished striper population as closely as possible.
  • Further define and overcome the impact of mycobacteriosis on stripers and humans as part of the fisheries management process.
  • End the over-harvesting of striped bass forage species and protect the essential ecosystem for striper survival.
  • Reduce the by-catch mortality of striped bass occurring in commercial fisheries directed at other species.


©2013 Jim Levinson Photo.

© 2013 Jim Levinson Photo


Brad Burns | President

Taylor Vavra | Vice President, Communications

Dave Rimmer | Treasurer

Stripers Forever
57 Boston Rd
Newbury, MA 01951

Stripers Forever is a not for profit corporation in the State of Maine.  We do not have 501(c)3 status and gifts to SF may not be tax deductible.  Donations may be sent via check made out to the above address or via our DONATE NOW page.


Stripers Forever
57 Boston Rd
Newbury, MA 01951

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